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Educations  +  Teachings

Lu Jong is a healing yoga for body and mind, the practice of which develops openness of the heart, compassion . It can be practiced in a gentle meditative way, through feeling or through the energetic methods of Tsa Lung. It consists of a wave of 21 movements and many complementary practices: massage, relaxation, breathing, meditation ...

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We have developed the feeling of energy in Lu Jong 1, so we go further. The 15 movements of Lu Jong 2 are more difficult, requiring flexibility and strength. A power that we look for in the energy that now supports the movement and allows its realization. The interdependent cycle sets in, the more we use it, the more the energy develops, intensifies.

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Educations  +  Teachings

Tog Chöd is a practice for establishing clarity of mind. The concentration required for the sequence of movements is applied under the different rhythms and powers of the Five Elements.This allows to bring the practitioner in a state of mental calm allowing to go more in depth in his meditations by installing the basic qualities of any meditative practice.

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Also known under the name of "Mental Calm Meditation", the practice of Shiné, too often neglected, is an essential pillar of any spiritual practice.

Contrary to popular belief, the practice is completely devoid of religious concepts and has one goal: to tame this "wild" spirit by training it, as one would with a muscle.  

From this training will result a beautiful concentration, space between thoughts, and inner joy.

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Tibetan Kum Nyé yoga should not be confused with Kum Nyé massage. Here we use breath and awareness to perform a subtle body massage instead of hands ! This very meditative practice consists of  an internal and deep massage initiated breath and movements, allowing to reach deep levels of the subtle body. The practice, based on the teaching delivered by Tarthang Tulku,  is brought devoid of any religious component.

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Suitable for people with little time to devote to a full practice, this lean approach to Lu Jong focuses on the Five Elements : Kum Nye massage of the Five Elements, Lu Jong's movements of the Five Elements, Five Elements mindfulness meditation, Five Elements relaxation postures. Here is a simple and effective way to enter into understandings of the relationship of body and mind through the theory of the Five Elements.

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« These yogas improve the flow of energy through the various channels. 

Once these channels are functioning smoothly, the meditation practice deepens and one can enter the higher tantric practices".

His Holiness Dalaï Lama


These practices are therefore excellent methods for beginners who want to enter meditation,

and for Buddhist practitioners to deepen their meditation and practice.

Rejoins moi sur Fb, Instragram et abonne toi à ma chaine Youtube !!! et voici ma dernière vidéo ! 

--> The next Lu Jong teacher training will be held from September 8, 2024 to February 17, 2025. It allows you to join the March 2025 masterclass with Tulku Lobsang and teach from March 2025. It is open to all.   Info here

--> Finally, Tog Chöd training! Difficult to find time between our trips... The training will therefore take place from September 23, 2024 to mid-September 2025. Access to the extranet and therefore to the theory has already been open since mid-June. So you can start learning now. To join this training, click here. The next training of Top Chod may or may not start in June 2027, to be continued...

--> For training abroad, contact us. For information, we are in Chamonix until the end of September, in Tenerife in October, in Nepal at the beginning of November, in Thailand in November and December, and on Reunion Island in January 2025. The Kora Kailash trip will take place mid 2026 (the previous one was in 2018...), but will be reserved for former students or former participants of at least one trip with us! so if you would like to organize a retreat or training at these locations, contact us!


Valérie Lobsang-Gattini

Traditional Healing Arts


Tibetan healing arts

Lu Jong 1 Tibetan Yoga Educator and Teacher

Tibetan practices of the Five Elements Educator and Teacher

Tog Chöd 1 and 2, the Tibetan sword dance of Wisdom, Educator and Teacher

Shiné, traditional Tibetan Shamatha meditation Teacher
Lu Jong 2 Tibetan yoga Teacher

Tibetan yoga Kum Nyé Instructor

Tsa Lung Healing therapy practicionner


Thai healing arts

Ruesi Dat Ton Thai yoga Instructor and Teacher

Nuad Bo'Rarn Practitionner levels 1 to 4i

Nuad Bo'Rarn Instructor level 1

Thai foot reflexology practitioner

Hot Thai Herbal compress massage practitioner

Tok Sen hammer massage practitioner for the Body and the Face


Sophrologist Practitioner + Reiki Master


Organization of spiritual and Buddhist trips


Urgyen Tenzin

Lu Jong tibetan yoga Certified Teacher

Tibetan Five Elements Practices Certified Teacher

Tog Chöd Certified Teacher

Travel facilitator


Since 2016

Online teaching + Face-to-face France - Europe - Wordwide  / French + English
Teacher training available online from 1 person or in person France - Europe - Worldwide on Request


Vocational education organization declared under number 84740380174

Registration Register of Travel and Stay Operators  number 074110076

Professional Sports Educator card Physical activities and well-being for all (Ministry of Sports), number 07411ED0188

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