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His Holiness the Dalai Lama supports the process of spreading these teachings in the West

Photo du rédacteur: ValérieValérie

Dernière mise à jour : 16 nov. 2021

In December 2013, Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche was deeply honoured by a private audience with His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama in New Delhi, India

Given the importance of this meeting, Rinpoche decided to show His Holiness all the teachings that Rinpoche gives in the West. Rinpoche gave His Holiness samples of his publications (books, DVDs, CDs) and an account of the Nying Drod - Warm Heart project. He also presented a copy of his latest book, "Tsa Lung - Ancestor Yogi and Yogini Great Path of Liberation", which is a compendium of the entire Buddhist Tantrayana practice of Tsa Lung. Written in Tibetan, this book is dedicated to the preservation of one of the oldest and most powerful practices of Tantrayana Buddhism. The book has already been well received in monasteries in India and Tibet.

Tulku Lobsang explained how he teaches these practices, that he has also trained Westerners to become educators and teachers, and that he has created a certification programme to ensure that teachers receive the correct lineage transmission and maintain the highest level of teaching.

His Holiness reviewed everything and showed interest in Rinpoche's work and teachings. He even advised Rinpoche to go further with the teachings.

Appreciating the benefits that Lu Jong practice can bring to people's daily health and happiness, His Holiness requested that Rinpoche bring Lu Jong practice to the Tibetan people, giving his historic approval to publicly teach Lu Jong.

Rinpoche was very happy to receive this instruction and approval from His Holiness.

Rinpoche left the meeting inspired to start bringing Lu Jong practice to the Tibetan people, to give them back a precious cultural treasure. Less than a year later, he did just that.

Tulku Lobsang is deeply grateful to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama for giving him the opportunity to present his work and for the wisdom and encouragement that His Holiness shared during the meeting. It is Rinpoche's sincere wish that by sharing Lu Jong with Tibetans and the whole world, all sentient beings will have better health and happiness.

From Emptinez / An auspicious Audience

Version Française de l'article Emptiness : An auspicious Audience

English Version of the Emptiness article : An auspicious Audience


Valérie Lobsang-Gattini

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Organisme de formation professionnelle déclaré sous le numéro 84740380174

Immatriculation Registre des Operateurs de Voyages et de Séjours numéro 074110076

Carte professionnelle d'éducateur sportif Activités physiques et de bien être pour Tous (ministère des Sports), numéro 07411ED0188


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