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Why Kalachakra is so important?

Kalachakra means 'wheel of time'. It is known as the highest of the Buddhist tantras, the father of the tantras. Originating in the mythical world of Shamballa, it works for world peace.

The Kalachakra system offers profound methods for transforming one's impure perceptions and experiences in order to reveal our deepest reality. In the context of Buddhist tantras and yogas, there are many systems that provide methods for attaining enlightenment, but the Kalachakra system has many unique features that make it particularly important.

Kalachakra Tantra brings in theoretical scientific knowledge such as cosmology, astrology, medicine, psychology and philosophy.

Unlike other systems which are written in a hidden symbolic language, Kalachakra Tantra provides the teaching in a very clear and direct way.

But Kalachakra is not only a collection of theoretical knowledge. It also presents a comprehensive selection of yogic practices designed to cut through the illusion and provide a direct insight into the nature of reality. These extremely effective and powerful methods enable even non-academic practitioners to develop the most profound realisation in a single lifetime.

Kalachakra Tantra was given to Suchandra the Great Dharma King of Shambhala. Eight generations later, King Manjushri-Yashas united his kingdom by granting the Kalachakra initation to all his subjects.

Through this massive shared experience, Yashas created a unique vajra family and became known as the first Kalki or "lineage bearer". Since that time, Kalachakra Tantra has been closely linked to the cultivation of various levels of peace and harmony in the mindstreams of practitioners. For some, this will mean achieving the state of Kalachakra enlightenment.

For others, it means being born in the pure land of Shambhala. At the very least, it means creating the conditions for being born into the second golden age of Dharma in this world.


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